In the financial services industry, ignorance is far from bliss.
When you are uninformed, you are at the mercy of others. When you regurgitate the opinions of others, you accept subservience.
Enlightenment is empowerment. Thinking for yourself is empowerment. You know yourself from the inside out better than anyone else can, or ever will.
More precisely, Psychological Enlightenment through Intellectual and Emotional Empowerment is a technique I practice to sooth the anxiety and helplessness my patients experience. This goes much deeper than learning the tips and tricks of the trade. Your ability to interpret core economic theories and utilize them to form your core ideology and in turn your methodology is critical for your empowerment.
A career in the financial services is not simply a job. It is a calling, requiring full immersion in a culture. This is why in my practice I encourage my patients invest the time to educate themselves on as many schools of theory as possible.
From the fires of that analysis usually emerges a financial professional that has firmer footing, reducing anxiety, depression, and a host of psychological ills that stem from ignorance.