The tactics of Machiavelli are more commonly applied today in the world of business than in the present-day world of politics, yet it is not entirely sinister. The financial services industry is a cold, hard world. The business of trading securities, and the myriad of other FP job functions, is not an altruistic venture. It is an ultra-competitive environment and you need an extremely thick skin, a very quick mind, and, at times, a savage heart.
Yet, how far do you go in applying Machiavelli, or any other theorist, for that matter?
Do not accept second-hand justifications. Do not rely on the latest business bestseller to guide you in applying morally questionable practices. It is only through the very personal journey in exploring your standards of virtue that you, and only you, will be able to know how far you can push the envelope.
Ultimately, it is not a question of morality.
It is a question of your morality.
Whether or not you apply the Wall Street Psychologist’s Gyroscope as your vehicle to achieve that moral clarity is beside the point. But having an awareness of Machiavelli’s work and its applications in today’s business world can only serve you well and fine tune your business practices and comprehension of what you are up against on The Street and within your own company.